Boiled Fish Sauce
Data compiled by the bottle com.Thanks for the information and illustrations you Fearbong member thousands dot com.
Boiled fish sauce Menu is unbelievably simple. Meat, fish, boiled sticky, crunchy, eat delicious bean dish is simple, do not try to eat it is not already.
Who likes to eat boiled fish dip this way here. Transmission Forum put forward a formula fish casually stab you Fearbong member thousands Com to leave the trick to this recipe is very easy to do. It takes just 15 minutes to me. For those who want to eat simple food but rarely have the time. This must go up.
Meat, fish
Water boiled fish
Little sal
Celery, cut into small pieces.
Garlic, pounded to a coarse
Fry garlic oil
bean paste
How do
1. Cut fish into pieces.
2. Heat water to boiling Add a little salt (Not to be fishy fish), then blanched in boiling water into the fish is cooked.
3. Scoop the fish up drain Spoon the meat to a plate and set aside.4. Garlic pounded with oil to fry them until crispy.5. Remove garlic and celery to sprinkle onto meat, fish carelessly prepared.6. Pepper, chopped garlic and shallots washed as rough bowl.7. Mustard to fill Season with lemon juice And Sugar
People mix them taste like celery leaf garnish with a little. Serve with boiled fish sauce is prepared.
Oh, my father! Boiled fish sauce Just visualize it suddenly drooling, who knows a simple take 15 minutes only. Hungry games like this
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